Gorgeous Starlight,
Yay You're Here! I'm so stoked!
Do you even know how much magic is inside of you babe. Ahhhh.. cause you 'bout to find out!
You're literally entering into a living and breathing portal of magic that is actually created by YOU & the Universe.
If you found your way here, we have a soul contract together to remind you of your own Power, Bliss & Magic and I cannot even wait for this initiation to happen. Most likely you were probably feeling little synchronicities that brought you here and now you're here! eeehhh!! Yes!!!

A Sneak Peak Inside
With the Initiation into 11 Magical Modules (+4 BONUS Activations), totally transform your reality. Shift your vision, vibe, create magnetism and manifest your dream reality.
Open the portal now...
What others experienced...

Dr. Amron Bevels
"I loved this activation! I could feel the energy moving right away. I even stepped away and came back, and immediately felt the presence of my guidance team, picking up where I'd left off. Samantha, your energy work is POWERFUL!"

Jess Rogers
"Looooove this meditation!
My whole body is vibrating with
the perfect energy! 🤩"
More LOVE from
Dr. Amron...
This beautiful soul went from charging $300 single sessions to creating deep gorgeous in depth soul journeys and charging her clients a luxurious $30,000 for an out of this world kind of experience. Seeing her transform has been a dream come true. She was 100% committed to her journey from the very beginning, and it truly shows in her level of transformation.
She courageously takes her women leader clients to their personal next level, and it is such a JOY to experience all the sparkly vibes!
Soul loving you, Amron!

Turn on Your SOUL
Signature Magic
We all have lifetimes of coding, that keeps us trapped and small. We’re currently only receiving 1-2% of what the Cosmos actually wants to gift us and shower us with. By us collectively, deciding to lovingly and gently release the invisible ‘shackles’ of the past, we get to awaken to the ORACLE within. The aspect of us that remembers Pure Magic.
Together, we get to release contracts, programs and agreements that go back as far as our Egyptian ancestral lineage, Greek + Roman Times, Imperial Asia as well as our magic that may be trapped in the timelines of Mythical Ireland, so that we can call back our POWER into the present moment.

11 Magical Modules to Unlock Your SOUL Power
Release and LET GO of old energetic patterns and strings to create NEW Energetic Space for creation & manifestation

4 Bonus Activations
Soul Power
Bliss + Pleasure
Pure Prosperity
Exponential Expansion
Access HIGHER forms of thinking and awareness, synchronicities and HyperBliss in your day to day life

Lifetime Access
You have lifetime access so that you can continue your process of Awakening the Light and the Oracle within.

This portal is an Initiation.
To Activate Your Soul Truth.
To take the LEAP…
... & make a PROFOUND Shift into your Personal Best Next-Level World.
This Course is Perfect for you if you’re:
- Ready to OPEN your world to more LOVE, Wealth, Play, Feelings of Well-Being & EASE.
- Ready to Truly See the MAGIC of the Universe & come back into Alignment.
- An Entrepreneur or Business Owner & you want to see the behind the scenes energetics of your business.
- A Coach, Healer, Oracle, Medium, Mermaid, or Fairy that’s craving to dive deeper into the quantum realm, to create alchemy.
- Ready for Essential 1% shifts in perspective, opening up and accessing Exponential Energy and Wealth.
The Change starts with YOU.

Hypnotherapist going from selling $100 sessions, to $500,000 consistent months.
A few *MIRACLES* that I have witnessed in my clients:

Business Owner working with me for 2 weeks and receiving an additional $1.7 mil client.

Brain tumor completely dissolving in less than 6 sessions.

Business Owner rapidly growing her business to $50,000 weeks.

Marriage that was sexless for over 2 years, re-kindled in 3 months.

Dog that was supposed to have a $15,000 surgery, healed in 3 sessions after 3 weeks.
How It Works...
- We begin with the shaking off and the dismantling of old outdated energetic programming. Releasing murky energy and invisible chords, wires and strings that are hard to see with the human eye. As we dissolve the old thought forms that may be secretly holding you back, we create more energetic space for something NEW to be created.
- The Initiation and Energy Activations replenish your Energy body to its highest level of light, sound, vibration, color and frequency. By raising your Light Quotient, your cells begin to hold more light and energy so that you’re able to shift, change, evolve and transform at a faster pace.
- This results in spontaneous self healing and downloads of Spiritual Wisdom. Higher forms of thinking and higher awareness that spontaneously occurs in your day to day moment. Synchronicities and HyperBliss experiences begin to occur.
Higher Frequency.
- We begin the process of downloading the original codes of Creation from Source Energy. The full COLOR codes, SOUND codes, LIGHT codes using sacred geometry and the Rays of Color to restore you to your highest vibrancy. Through tuning into the Creator, we get to download higher frequencies of emotions and understanding.

Ignite the Oracle Within
Completely Transform Your World and OPEN to Endless Possibilities & MAGIC
Enter the PortalOnce you see,
you'll always be able to see...
We’ll be diving into activations and initiations that re-awaken our connection to the Galactical Beings, Angels, Fairies, Mermaid kingdom, The Whales and the Dolphins that are here to support our awakening and our evolution. There is an aspect of us that is so intuitive, so awakened, so brilliant and so creative. We will re-connect to the part of us that knows ALL of the MAGIC is available for us - in the here and now.
This course is a remembering and a re-awakening to your own Unique SOUL Signature Light Frequency, so that you can see and understand the Bigger Picture Perspective of the Universe.
11 Magical Modules + 4 BONUS Activations...
We will dive into 11 Magical Modules, unlocking your own unique SOUL signature layer by layer. You'll have LIFETIME access to all activations and initiations, so you can continue to work with your energies in your own flow, when you feel called to re-connect and deepen your growth.

Your eyes are directing the creation of your Universe. See the world through a new lens

Learn how to powerfully co-create with the Universe

TURN ON the electromagnetics of your aura & energy field

You tend to your Light Body, so that you can receive and catch the wave of magic.

When you are genuinely you, you become naturally magnetic. This is where we get to create exponential wealth with speed.

You get to take up space. A lot of space. You are an eternal being, and what you create now matters.

The Initiation of The Oracle. You are the Oracle. You are the ONE who sees and creates your OWN Universe.

Sound is the fastest vibration that leads to evolution and awakening. Light is what powers up the creation inside of you and in your outer world.

Grounding in the reality of your dreams. Grounding in the commitment of your WORD and of your CREATION. Materialization happens, when we master our current world. The love infused into the everyday moment, is what speeds up and powers up materialization.

Guidance & Course Design
Within her sacred container, Samantha Blossom will draw upon her vast healing experience and divine tools, including:
✧ BodyTalk
Connect and communicate with your innate wisdom. Delete old belief systems, clear away past life & ancestral programming. Move energy out of your consciousness that is no longer serving you so that you can life more authentically.
✧ Light Code Activations
This increases your Light Quotient so that you can operate at a higher level of consciousness. It speeds up your energetic operating system so that you can change and transform at a faster rate & allows your cells to hold more light energy.
✧ Power of Contemplation
When you can feel it, you can heal it. When you can see it, you can change it. Explore ways to make daily decisions that are more aligned with your Soul so that you create even more ease and wealth in your world.
✧ Human Design
Tune into your Unique Aura Type & explore your optimal way of experiencing the world with more ease.
✧ Gene Keys
Explore the subtle frequencies that nourish you, understanding your own energy field on a deeper level.

Sacred Container
Enter 11 Magical Modules to discover the ORACLE in you. Upon joining the course, gain immediate access to 33 Activation & Meditation Videos to explore at your own pace.

4 Bonus Activation Sessions
These powerful activations were recorded live during the Lion's Gate Portal Aug 8 - 18, 2021. Re-Play will be accessible to you for life!

Deeper Evolution.
This course will be very engaging, interactive and experiential with the KEYS to support your Re-Awakening.
What others say...
"Her authenticity, joy and light radiates juicy positivity through all she does, and her depth of knowledge on all levels of mind, body, metaphysical, spiritual, money and more is beyond anyone I've EVER met!
Being in her sacred container will immediately expand you - her energy is infectious. She's helped me heal deep core wounds from this lifetime and beyond.
Her intuitive downloads and insights are like having a direct link to your Highest Self. She's been hand lifting me up, when I couldn't see the light or feel my power. She's ALWAYS there for you with words of wisdom, clarity and expansion."

"Samantha is a cosmic superhero goddess that will change your life!
From the moment I first connected with her, my vibration was elevated with sparkly goodness and bliss!"
"My business increased by over 25% in our first month together and I've had my best days/weeks in business by thousands of dollars.
My relationships have harmonized in significant ways and my body is feeling lighter than ever.
Samantha continues to be such a light and gift to me. Knowing, connecting and working with you has inspired me beyond what words can communicate."
- Brittany Gordien
I am SO excited to take this extraordinary journey with you!
I am honored to share this channeled information with you. My light guides will be working with me every step of the way, so I will be learning, growing and evolving alongside you. Thank you for saying 'YES' to this evolution and transformation together! For us and for the planet!
It's truly time for us to access a new level of EASE and wealth together. Let your SOUL sing and dance as you open new portals of wealth, and new ways of being!
xo ~ Samantha Blossom

Get a glimpse into The ORACLE Codes Portal...
...and attune your life to more MAGIC, wealth, love & joy.
When you Opt-In to my newsletter, you'll get the first Magical Module of The ORACLE Codes PlayBook* as a digital download right away, yay!!
I'll also be sending you regular goodies and inspiration to help you keep evolving, and align to your Personal Next-Level Self!
*Includes the full VISION Codes & 4 Soul-Igniting Journal Prompts!
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