Lotus & Blossom Mastermind: Manifest the Most Irresistible You

A 6-Month Mastermind to Elevate Your Space, Energy & Presence for a Life of Beauty, Bliss & Abundance

You’ve mastered success in certain areas of your life. Now, it’s time to embody beauty, grace & magnetic presence in every aspect of your life

Imagine your world completely transformed in 6 months. From your mindset, energetics, wardrobe, physical home space to your daily rituals and habits. This is the beauty & life routine makeover you’ve dreamed of your entire life. Learn lifelong rejuvenation practices that will keep your body, your mind, your soul & your space sparkly & beautiful and full of love and laughter & connection.

✨ Your home. Your wardrobe. Your rituals. Your energy.

✨ Infused with beauty.

✨ Elevated into abundance.

✨ Designed for magic.

Your home space gets to be a manifestation portal.

Have your physical world co-create with you every single day and watch as your life turns into complete bliss.

What if your external world became a manifestation portal for everything you desire?


We are Lotus & Blossom, and our mission is to help you curate a life filled with beauty, joy, and ease. Together, we bring the best of both worlds. Lotus brings her expertise of beauty in the physical world with minimalist, modern style that allows you to walk through life with flow and ease. Samantha brings world class energy initiations and activations so that you feel beautiful in your mind, heart and soul so everyday feels like you're walking on magic. Each program and product is intentionally curated & designed to allow you to live your most elevated life so that your purest and most powerful essence shines through.


Interior Designer & Entrepreneur from Denmark, who has curated a business centered on Lifestyle & Design in all areas of life. My belief is that “less is more”—when you strip away the excess and noise, what remains is your true essence. With a blank canvas, you can intentionally curate the world you wish to live in.


Opulence Oracle and manifestation mentor, specializing in quantum leaping entrepreneurs into their next level of bliss and magic. She is a detective of frequencies in the energy realm. Her work is to support you in addressing the consciousness limitations so that you can come back into expansion and truth. Samantha has guided thousands of clients into living a life of magic.


This isn’t just about aesthetics. This is about unlocking your next level of wealth, love & success by aligning your outer & inner world with your highest frequency.

Explore seeing your entire life with brand new eyes as Samantha & Lotus walk you through new ways of observing and curating your life. You'll learn unique ways to beautify your physical spaces and to awaken new sensations of bliss inside of your body. As we peel away the layers for your true essence to shine through, every part of your life gets to be and feel that much more magical. Imagine waking up and feeling in love with everything around you and being excited to create.


Starting on April 10th, at 12:12 PM EST, we embark on a journey that includes:

  • Release & Let Go: Identifying and removing elements that no longer serve you.
  • Organize & Curate: Designing spaces and routines that foster ease and flow.
  • Refine & Elevate: Enhancing your environment and self-expression to mirror your authentic self.
  • Invite the New & Align: Welcoming new experiences and opportunities that resonate with your elevated state.
  • Adorn & Choose with Intention: Embracing practices and aesthetics that celebrate your unique beauty.
  • Weave & Integrate: Maintaining and nurturing the positive changes you’ve implemented.



✨ Weekly Group Calls - High-frequency sessions for energetic upgrades, design strategy & personal refinement.

✨ Private WhatsApp Community - Daily support & momentum with Lotus & Blossom (M-F, 10AM-5PM EST).

✨ Monthly Private Sessions - One 30-minute 1:1 session per month with Lotus (design & lifestyle) + one with Samantha (energy work & manifestation).

This process will be unique for each person who walks through these magical doors. Beyond a mastermind space, this is a portal and an initiation. On the other side of these six months together, you'll be an even more empowered, happier and more organized you. The most incredible version of you gets to be expressed. Just imagine how enjoyable life will be as you awaken these new superpowers.

Through a combination of guided modules, community support, and practical exercises, we facilitate a comprehensive transformation. We meet once a week for an hour to work through the monthly modules, and you’ll be given homework to apply what you’ve learned. You can share your progress and ask questions in our WhatsApp group.

The Lotus & Blossom Mastermind: Manifest the Most Irresistible You is a 6-month, 6-module transformational journey designed to align your inner & outer world to become the best version of yourself. 

We begin our journey on the Spring Equinox March 20th @ 12:12pm EST.

We complete our journey on the Autumn Equinox Sept. 22nd @ 12:12pm EST.

  • Learn to manifest magic through your space.
  • Create beautiful thoughts, emotions and a gorgeous space.
  • Raise the vibration of your home to manifest a happier life.

The Mastermind Consists of 6 Modules :

Month 1 : Release & Let Go 

Inner : Identify old thought patterns & limiting beliefs holding you back.

Outer : Let go of clutter & objects tied to outdated versions of you

Observe your reality and see what gets to shift and change. There may be physical items in your home that are still signaling to yourself and the universe a past identity or a past version of you. What if you took the time to release these items to clear space for the new you. Imagine letting go of physical items and energy frequencies of the past to pave the way for an even more extraordinary future.

Inner : What thoughts & emotions are you ready to release

Outer : What physical items are you releasing to clear space for the new you to arrive

Month 2 : Organize & Curate

Inner : Reclaim mental clarity & create space for abundance.

Outer : Design a minimalist, high-frequency space that calms the mind & excites the soul.

As you release & let go, you find more space and flow. Looking at your items with fresh new eyes allows you to see what genuinely lights you up in your life and does this item still serve and support you. Curating your external world relaxes & calms the mind for the most genius brilliant version of you to come through.

Inner : What will make my life more efficient and create more flow?

Outer : How will each item have a home and make my life filled with more ease & simplicity?

Month 3 : Refine & Elevate

Inner : Step into your highest, most confident self-expression.

Outer : Upgrade your environment, wardrobe & personal brand to mirror your evolution.

Once you have clearly observed your world, you’re ready to see what will enhance this new life you’re creating. As we’ve taken away the things creating and signaling a past version of you, we clear the playing field to allow an even more elevated version of you to come through. This could be subtle elegant furniture pieces that reflect who you truly are currently. This could be a dress that symbolizes your new fortune & prosperity frequency.

Inner : Who am I now? How will I allow my most expressive self to shine through?

Outer : What is the environment, wardrobe and items that truly reflect my soul’s power now?

Month 4 : Invite The New & Align

Inner : Embody the version of you who receives success, love & beauty effortlessly.

Outer : Shift your surroundings to align with your elevated identity.

Now you are ready for your new world. Inside of this new world are new habits, an even more dramatic new look and a change in actions & scenery. What are the most beautiful & elegant spaces that you get to hang out in? How will you stretch and elevate your own standards to be able to receive even more of the sweetness & beauty of life?

Inner : What does the bolder, braver version of me choose to experience?

Outer : As you elevate you, what new people, new space & new experiences do you open up for yourself?

Month 5 : Adorn & Choose With Intention

Inner : Own your pleasure, sensuality & full expression.

Outer : Curate luxury, artistry & beauty in your daily life.

In this phase you are fine tuning and elevating your senses. You’ve learned to see the world in a new light so your capacity to receive the goodness life has to offer has increased. Now you’re ready to open up to even more. As you’ve continued to shake off the old energy chords, your system will now begin to choose different kinds of experiences to truly express your most artistic self.

Inner : Who am I truly free to be? How would I actually adorn myself when I am brave enough to express my beauty?

Outer : What luxurious adventure & people will I now allow myself to call in and experience?

Month 6: Weave & Integrate + Maintain The Elevation

Inner : Maintain your glow with lifelong self-love rituals.

Outer : Sustain an environment & lifestyle of ease, elegance & joy.

The art of beauty is a lifelong practice & decision. Once you experience the magic of your genuine love, light, beauty & boldness, you’ll want to maintain the magic. Daily & weekly check in routines support you in keep your body, your mind & your space gorgeous, glowing and beautiful for years to come.

Inner : What are my new self love routines that create beauty for me and all those around me?

Outer : How does my space get to feel beautiful & magical every day?

  • For the high-achieving who has mastered success but craves effortless radiance.
  • You desire an environment that feels as rich as your energy.
  • You're ready to refine, elevate & embody your highest self with ease.
  • You have it all—but crave deeper beauty, ease & magic.

  • You’ve done the inner work, but your external world doesn’t reflect it.
  • Your external world looks perfect, but you haven’t done the inner work so the external world feels numb or lack luster.
  • You’re ready for incredible extraordinary change.
  • You’re ready to re-define beauty and claim the power of it.
  • You’ve done a lot of inner & outer work, but still haven't integrated all the pieces – and you're ready for refinement.
  • You’ve done a lot of inner work, but there’s something very subtle holding you back, and you're ready for the next level.
  • You have a beautiful space, but it just never feels like the project is finished. You're always seeking more perfection.

This is not just a mastermind—it’s a full-body, full-life INITIATION

Lou Zenteno

Co-owner of Golfusion

I am beyond grateful for the guidance and wisdom that has helped me reconnect with my true nature. Through this journey, I have learned to release what no longer serves me, allowing space for clarity, creativity, and authenticity. The shift in my mindset and energy has been profound, bringing a deeper sense of alignment with my path and goddess nature.

This experience has been a dance between surrender and strength—letting go of expectations while embracing my own essence. I have felt the power of presence, the beauty of honoring my process, and the peace that comes from walking with trust. In this space, I have found the courage to create, to be fully in my body, and to embrace each moment as sacred.

To the ones who have guided me with wisdom, patience, and unwavering support—Thank You. Your presence has been a reflection, a reminder, and a source of light. In our conversations, in the silences that hold meaning, and in the truths shared with care, I have found a deeper understanding of myself. This journey is mine to walk, but I am grateful beyond words for the companionship and guidance along the way.

Early Bird Pricing

Sign up by April 1, 2025 for exclusive bonuses.

Enrollment & Investment 



6 months

  • Weekly group ZOOM calls
  • WhatsApp Group M-F
    @ 10am-5pm EST
  • Monthly private 1:1 @ 30 min calls with Lotus & Blossom (2 private sessions: Design session with Lotus; Inner Magic session with Samantha)
  • Online Video Course & Journal Prompts
  • Early Bird Extra: Complimentary 1:1 Energy Healing & Design Consultation 
  • Early Bird Extra: Full Access to ORACLE CODES ($3,333 value)



Full Pay: (Save $2,221)

  • Weekly group ZOOM calls
  • WhatsApp Group M-F
    @ 10am-5pm EST
  • Monthly private 1:1 @ 30 min calls with Lotus & Blossom (2 private sessions: Design session with Lotus; Inner Magic session with Samantha)
  • Online Video Course & Journal Prompts
  • Early Bird Extra: Complimentary 1:1 Energy Healing & Design Consultation 
  • Early Bird Extra: Full Access to ORACLE CODES ($3,333 value)

Standard Pricing

Sign up after April 1, 2025

Enrollment & Investment



6 months

  • Weekly group ZOOM calls
  • WhatsApp Group M-F
    @ 10am-5pm EST
  • Monthly private 1:1 @ 30 min calls with Lotus & Blossom (2 private sessions: Design session with Lotus; Inner Magic session with Samantha)
  • Online Video Course & Journal Prompts



Full Pay: (Save $3108)

  • Weekly group ZOOM calls
  • WhatsApp Group M-F
    @ 10am-5pm EST
  • Monthly private 1:1 @ 30 min calls with Lotus & Blossom (2 private sessions: Design session with Lotus; Inner Magic session with Samantha)
  • Online Video Course & Journal Prompts

Follow these steps to get Pleasure to Riches for FREE:

  1. Use this form to sign up for my email newsletter, then check your email and confirm your subscription.
  2. You'll get a second email to create a password for your account and another to log in to the site, giving you full access to all of the Pleasure to Riches modules!

(It may take a few minutes for each of the emails to come through.)

When it comes to attracting, holding, flowing with's all about the FEELS, and this is a science I've spent decades refining and perfecting.

Even though it might not happen overnight, because we are moving through generations and lifetimes of programming around money...

I want to give you a set of tools and powerful mindset shifts that you can come back to again and again, whenever you're feeling wobbly in your money world.

This program is an activation for you to calibrate to, as well as an anchor to bring you back time and time again as you're stabilizing your new reality. 

CA$H CODES was channeled through me, and even I keep coming back to these 8 incredible modules to bring me back to my most powerful, magnetic & sizzling relationship with money and cash creation!!

 CA$H CODES is one of my most powerful programs.

💸 ✨ 💸

Let it guide you to build a beautiful relationship with money -

where miracle money becomes your new normal,

your natural way,

your effortless reality.   

💸 I'm Ready for Ease & Effortlessness! 💸

I'm so excited to share my unique angle on money manifestation with you in CA$H CODES, because this is a subject I struggled with for so long - and if it's possible for me to make the shift, it's possible for you too.  On top of that, it's worked wonders for 100s of my clients as well!!

what my clients are saying... ☟

Queens, Kings... the best part about this program is that it's not only one of my most powerful programs... but it's also my most accessible and value-packed program!!

This is because I want as many people as possible to have access to these codes and tools that I've literally spent decades searching for!

So if you're ready to...

👑 Speed up your playful money manifestation game

👑 Go from wobbliness to ease, flow and joy in your money world

👑 Totally elevate how you feel about spending and receiving

👑 Just feel plain damn sexy whenever the subject of money comes up...

Then CA$H CODES is definitely for YOU, gorgeous!!!

Click the link below to get instant access to all the codes after purchase!

💸 Let's Goooooooooo!!! 💸

💫 Claim Your Spot Now. Step into Your Most Irresistible Self.

The life you desire begins the second you decide to claim it. Say yes to yourself, step into your next level, and join us inside Lotus & Blossom where expansion, elegance, and effortless success become your new normal. We cannot wait to welcome you into this sacred space.